The American, and by this I mean the “heritage” or “legacy” American, is a defeated people. I do not mean to blackpill, but it is necessary to start from objective reality, else our plans be castles built on sand. And when I say defeated people, I mean in the most literal, military sense. The American is not a people currently struggling against a foreign power, whether literally or in the symbolic sense of “east coast elites”, the I-95 corridor tapeworm, “Harvard”, or “ZOG”. Nor is he a people suffering from subversion from within. The American, Amerikaner, whatever, is a conquered people.
I have hinted at this in “Ordeals of Incivility”, but the behavior and psychology of the legacy American is the behavior and psychology of a conquered, broken people under a military victor that is shifting in schizophrenic fashion between tolerance and oppression of the conquered. The fundamental “liberal tendency” that we might call boomerism, which manifests itself also in the “hicklib” or “Yellowstone” memes, is a phenomenon best described as “appeasing the conqueror”, or less charitably as being “buckbroken”. The American was once the inheritor of the strictest racialist state in recent history, and he resisted racial integration and the will of the government he saw as his own with a vicious, unyielding vitality. In the span of a generation he became “unable to see color”. This was not the result of “cultural reprogramming” or Hollywood; it was directly caused by military defeat and ethnic cleansing, when white neighborhoods were integrated at bayonet-point and the American was chased out of the cities he built by state-sponsored anarcho-tyrannic violence. The American’s liberal tendency, which is now fundamental and generational, is a result of being violently broken by those in charge of his state. It is a faith imposed by violence and then internalized.
Historically, broken and defeated peoples (as opposed to the mere defeat of armies) take a long time to remilitarize, especially when continuously occupied. The domination and defeat that hangs over the lives of the grandparents only lifts when their great-grandchildren are born and raised never having met them. We only have one example from fairly modern times of a truly defeated people remilitarizing and collectively resisting their occupier, and that is in the case of Germany between the First and Second World Wars. No little credit must be given to Mr. Hitler for managing to do this at all; it is very historically unusual, the equivalent of Carthage rising again after Rome burned it and salted the earth. The factors that allowed for this to occur were particular and well-studied, and I will review the “Hitler Plan” here to see if it is viable.
The first factor in Hitler’s success was a second semi-foreign threat to the conquered nation; Bolshevism was really a creature spawned of the same beast that conquered Germany in the first place, but resisting Bolshevism did not “feel” like resisting the Anglo-French puppet state and thus anti-communist action routed around the psychic domination of the populace.
The second factor was the marked decline in quality-of-life for the German populace. This is the least important factor, but the most significant element of it is that the German knew that he was being looted by the conqueror. This does not spark collective resistance in of itself, does not negate the feeling of submission in the conquered, but the excessive quality of the looting makes the native elite less inclined to take a gracious defeat and more inclined to support dissident power centers and movements.
The third factor in Hitler’s success was judicial leniency. The NSDAP became popular mostly because normal people were swayed by its dominance in streetfighting, beating and harassing communists in public. People side with the strong horse, and the normal and decent hate communist agitators anyway. The NSDAP could get away with beating up commies because the victors of WWI were lenient in allowing various vestiges of the German Imperial system to persist through defeat, chiefly the judiciary. The judges bred and trained in the Prussian system may have considered the NSDAP crass or crude, but also the best of possible evils versus the bolshevist, who he had no sympathy for whatsoever. Despite the Weimar government’s best efforts in arresting brownshirts for street fighting, they tended to be let off leniently, effectively the same treatment that antifa gets today in both Europe and the US.
So lets look at America and tick some boxes. We have a second semi-foreign threat. The conservative Amerikaner has managed to convince himself that “woke” is new, and comes from somewhere outside the mental map via which he appeases his overlord. In reality of course, “woke” is merely a doubling-down on violence against the Amerikaner from the same source as the Civil Rights Regime, but the Amerikaner doesn’t think this way, and has thus routed around his psychic domination, at least in some individuals and to some extent.
We have egregious looting and a marked decline in the quality of life. Technological decline, airplanes falling apart in the sky, inflation destroying liquid assets, the general increasing poverty of lawyers being unable to afford apartments they rented as bartenders, not to mention the actual physical looting by the Civil Rights Regime’s clients. Most important is the demolition of the Amerikaner’s industrial base and the shocking, rapid, and disgusting decline of his formerly-thriving territory into a wasteland of despair and drug addiction.
So far, we have the conditions for Hitlerism, but it is on the third point that the deck is stacked indelibly against the American. There is no lenient or sympathetic judiciary to speak of in America; in fact, there is not a single sympathetic element anywhere in the actual power-wielding portion of the American state. There are some people sympathetic with Civil Rights 1.0 and “colorblind meritocracy”. The most right-wing man anywhere near power in America is Clarence Thomas. He calls Civil Rights the “second founding of America”. If this faction, with Richard Banania as human schelling point for its idea, manages to achieve the dictatorship of Colorblind Meritocracy (and it would take an actual coup… its proponents being near power are in position to attempt a coup), America would turn into Brazil or Mexico, where its whiter elements will rise to the top in a de facto caste system of general economic competence. I won’t lie to you, the US becoming Brazil would be an immense improvement in your personal prospects for the future, assuming you are a young white man with an IQ above 130. But I do not count this as “saving america” for the purposes of my post.
In the spirit of “woke more correct than mainstream”, Trump is a failed Hitler. His support was precisely for the same reasons as Hitler’s support; a revolt against foreign occupation and the various indignities inflicted on the native population. But the Left was ready for Hitler this time around; it assiduously purged any reactionary sympathies from every existing mechanism of power and proactively crushed any emerging nodes of opposition throughout the post-civil-rights era with the power of the intelligence agencies. “Trumpism”, or rather Bircherism, may have been possible shortly after Civil Rights if such an aggressive approach was not taken. Hitler would not have been possible after fifty years of Weimar, and we have lived through fifty years of Weimerica. Despite this, Trump came within a hair’s breadth of caesarism and could have even succeeded at taking emergency powers and dismantling the civil rights regime. But I wrote about how he could have done this not long after January 6 and it’s really too late now. He may re-emerge as a public face for the Colorblind Meritocracy coup, if it happens. Brathil awaith.
So what elements need to fall into place before the defeated American can remilitarize and engage in effective resistance? The halls of power are as closed to your people as Parliament was closed to Adolf Hitler in 1924. You’re not going to steal the black girl magic by infiltrating the system when white boy athletes with 1450 SAT scores are getting rejected from second-string universities. Sorry. Some careers that require college will get you paid well at least. I’m not going to lie about that and tell you to become a plumber.
What the Amerikaner needs is physical separation from enemy occupation and a lenient state that is not actively opposed to his interests. I won’t even talk about restoration of actual capitalism and the reversal of technological decline. That would be worth a separate post, even an entire book. Just attaining some condition where agents of the federal government cannot destroy you for acting in your racial, cultural, and historical interests seems like a really far-flung prospect. Saying it like that makes you think the US has to balkanize or some foreign despot grants the American land to build an expat state on.
Yet the wheels of history turn, and turn quietly. In a development I was truly not expecting, a constitutional crisis occurred and was quietly resolved, shamefully swept under the rug by the regime as if in recognition of the tremendous power that slipped from its fingers into the gutter. The Supreme Court ruled that Texas may use emergency powers to enforce federal law on its own. How this works, in America, for my foreign readers, is that the federal government formally attributes certain powers to itself and does not allow states to legislate on them. On several issues, federal law and state law are concurrent, with federal law taking precedence. In states where marijuana is legal on the state level for instance, it is still a federal crime, but one that the fed is highly unlikely to actually investigate and prosecute. Immigration is not one of those issues. Control of borders and immigration law is exclusively delegated to the federal government. The intent even hundreds of years ago was to prevent states from creating their own entry requirements or restrictions to cross-state travel and thus balkanize.
The current situation on the ground in Texas is of extreme and unprecedented border-crossing. America likely had at least 40 million illegal immigrants at the end of Trump’s first term, but border-crossing has vastly accelerated since. Not content with ethnically cleansing the American from the cities, he is now intended to be cleansed from most of the nation. Once a venezuelan sets one indio toenail on this side of the border, he is entitled to due process of law before he can be deported. With tens of millions of illegals in the country, it takes a very long time to actually convict him of illegal entry and deport him. So he is given a court date five years from now, that he will never appear for, and set free into America.
The only way for the state of Texas to prevent the influx of migrants is to erect barriers and stop them from crossing in the first place. So Texas started building barriers on its own, more symbolic than useful. It takes a lot of razor wire to cover the entire border with Mexico, but it was a start. Some nameless judge somewhere declared the erection of barriers by Texas an illegal infringement on federal authority over immigration, and the regime sent the border patrol to tear down the fences that the Texas National Guard built so that more illegals could pour in.
I was expecting Abbott to cuck out, that he engineered this scenario just for the “PR win” of getting video footage of Border Patrol letting illegals into the country. But surprisingly, he told the feds to go fuck themselves, using a legal argument somewhere along the lines of “this federal law is in the state’s interest to be enforced so if you don’t enforce it, it devolves to us and we have every right to act as the federal government would”. And he told the Guard to defend the fences. And border patrol showed up to tear them down. And Border Patrol stood there awkwardly, unwilling to get into a shootout with the state of Texas. The decision by men of violence on the ground was that Texas has the authority to enforce its borders and the fed cannot stop them. Today, the Supreme Court ruled the same way that the men with rifles in their hands ruled, putting a rubber stamp on how the conflict actually played out. (Technically it kicked the can down the road, but it’s unlikely they will issue a formal ruling that will require the fed to apply violence to a governor if he remains recalcitrant).
This is the first time in a long time that a state got into an armed conflict with the fed and the fed chickened out, tucking its neopenis between its legs and scurrying off. Texas, if they expand this new assertion of state rights, has now soft-seceded from the Union. Of course it might lose its newfound vestigial testicles, the Left might enact any manner of underhanded tricks to steal its state elections and get it to change course, but momentum is on its side. It has a loyal military force that told the feds to fuck off and got away with it. The fed does not want to publicly own up to this loss of face or the loss of theoretical power it just experienced (loss of de facto power remains to be seen), but it might be so senile and blinkered that it doesn’t realize what just happened, or what other states could do along the same lines. Abbott or his successor could be ordered to appear in court for crimes against the Constitution… but if he refuses to come? If the FBI has to go in and get him? If he… defends himself?
The federal government is in a remarkably weak spot. A state could devolve federal law to local enforcement in any area on any number of pretexts; it’s effectively an assertion that the federal government is illegitimate because of anarchotyranny. Texas could become uncooperative or even hostile to federal agents attempting to enforce federal law in a variety of areas. This sounds like a lot, but little steps gain momentum and victory makes the balls grow heavier and heavier. After erecting its own border fences and getting away with it, it is currently fighting a new law through the courts that would grant it deportation power. It might cuck out on this one, but I was proved wrong last time. Mexico announced that it won’t accept deportations performed by the state of Texas, which could even initiate military action in order to force its government to capitulate. Many things become possible. A return to the status quo of Bush/Obama high but not titanic levels of illegal immigration would probably be acceptable to Texas, but this status quo is no longer possible. With the border fences, the situation as decided by armed men on the ground was allowed to stand by the judges in dresses. Texas needs to ignore the Supreme Court and begin deportations immediately, and it is likely that the dress-wearers with retroactively legitimize such an action. Nobody has actually called the Court’s bluff; but it is a bluff. If a Supreme Court ruling is ignored by men with guns, the Court’s legitimacy flows down into the gutter. The Court knows this. It will never make a ruling that it expects to be flagrantly ignored or defied.
I am not suggesting, by the way, that one immediately moves to Texas and joins its National Guard. Many other dominoes need to fall in order to achieve soft secession. But now there is at least a path forward for the American to attempt to act in his own interests. If Texas, or any state following its example, soft-secedes and stonewalls federal power, we suddenly meet the conditions under which we can organize and attempt to make a play for power. It’s unlikely that forming a Freikorps under a black sun banner with the name “TND Batallion” would be acceptable to the state government, but there will be a lot of power on the table for those willing to grasp at it. Devolving federal authority to the state will require that the state takes on new duties and will rely on a new network of quasi-state agencies and even citizen militias, which will come to be relied on to quell turbulence in Texas’ substantial immigrant population and dissuade the operations of federal agents within the state. It will allow politics to be played as politics, using every over and underhanded means available in order to gain power and push the state further to the right and further away from the federal government. Opportunists and adventurers can often rise to the highest levels during such turbulent transitions.
I have a friend on twitter who did some military logistics math, and in order for the US Army to launch a full-scale invasion of Texas, it would require a level of force it does not currently possess, on a scale comparable to theaters of operations in WWII. The US lacks the fighting men and it lacks the materiel for such a large operation; its only ability to compel secessionist states with violence would be in small skirmishes and limited operations of infiltration. On some level the US knows this, or feels it. It can use police power against isolated enemies, it can agitate minorities into riots behind selfsame police protection, but its military power is in steep decline.
I began the post talking about the psychic effects of domination. The “second amendment american” who supports the right of illegal immigrants to defend their fentanyl factories and donkey brothels with AR-15s is appeasing the regime without knowing it. When the specter of domination lifts, when the American is actually free from the ever-present police power of the regime, many of these inherited lies will simply melt away from him… what will emerge? Real-life politics in a soft-seceded state may take on an “online right” character of discourse; the online right being a model for the ideas that emerged among those who were not mentally dominated by the regime. Previously unthinkable courses of action may become possible with shocking speed.
Again, we are still in the early days of this, but the crown is falling into the gutter. The Regime may even pick it back up, especially if those who make as if to reach at it are weak and reluctant. Anybody interested in power, restoration, course-correction, whatever you want to call it, keep your ear to the ground as I am. If federal power is actually deterred, if soft secession is achieved anywhere or a state appears truly ready to defend its defiance of the courts with force, I will make a call on it. If you consider yourself a man of action, it will be an opportunity to participate in great deeds. If you merely want a comfortable or prosperous life among a decently functional society, you will still probably want to move to a soft-seceded state.
*Edited to remove anything that sounds like a direct incitement to illegal action, etc
It’s happening: Motorcycle warfare, as theorized by yourself.
>The Amerikaner is a defeated people
This is the true, harsh reality and the one problem from which all other problems stem.
All Whites, conservatives and liberals, implicitly or explicitly believe in the dual religion of selfish self-actualization yet self-denial and brownolatry, and I don't think anything will change until that religion is fundamentally uprooted.
I have a French chadlite friend, a military veteran who engages in combat sports and mines crypto and hacks computers in his spare time. He should be a prime candidate for New Lacedemonia, and the kind of guy I'd want to marry my daughter to.
And yet, he complains about French "neo-colonialism" in West Africa, he gives more than two shits about muh Palestine, has unironically used the expression "Inch'Allah" (disgustingly common among Millennial Frenchmen) and sometimes has trouble keeping her longtime girlfriend in check.
That's when I realized philosophy, psychology and theology are the three most important things to get right in the world.
We should pay more attention to South Africa. The Boers are probably the most militarily defeated Whites on Earth, yet their spirit is probably the least broken as well. This video should be a good whitepill -